For Students:

  • Ask questions when you don’t understand. Take responsibility when you need help by asking for it. Acting with confidence whatever your level will help to foster more self-confidence.

  • Emphasize strengths. Give yourself credit for everything you try. By focusing on what you can do, you applaud yourself for efforts rather than emphasizing end products.

  • Take risks – stretch a bit beyond your comfort zone. Approach new experiences as opportunities to learn rather than occasions to win or lose.

  • Be your own cheerleader. Tell yourself how proud you are of everything you’ve done. Positive self-talk is a great way to quiet any critical thoughts you may have. For example, when you catch yourself expecting perfection, remind yourself that you can’t do everything perfectly, that it’s only possible to do your best. This allows you to accept yourself while still striving to improve.

  • Set reasonable goals. Do your best and be happy with that.

  • Self-Evaluate. Learn to evaluate yourself independently. Focusing internally on how you feel about your own behavior, work, etc. will give you a stronger sense of self.

  • Learn what resources and help are available to you in your school and community and learn how to use those resources. For example: libraries, counsellors, teachers, study groups, tutors, the internet.

For Parents of Students:

  • Remind your child of his/her accomplishments.

  • Praise efforts.

  • Find out what your child’s goals are; ask your child how she feels about her ability to reach those goals. Ask about your child’s fears in reaching those goals. Be careful not to judge or comment negatively about your belief in their ability.

  • Set a positive example by behaving with self-confidence.